200 Jahre Logistik: Danzas und DHL prägen eine Branche
108 Seiten
Hardcover (gebunden)
26,90 EUR
ISBN: 978-3-941136-36-6
Amadou Diallo (Hrsg.)
200 Jahre Logistik: Danzas und DHL prägen eine Branche
Ohne ihn ist die moderne Logistik kaum denkbar: 1815 beginnt Louis Danzas im Alter 27 Jahren seine Karriere im Transportgeschäft von Michel l’Evêque im französischen Saint-Louis. Er hat Erfolg, das Unternehmen wächst und trägt wenige Jahre später seinen Namen. Aus dem Dreiländereck Frankreich, Deutschland und Schweiz entwickelt sich Danzas über mehrere Generationen zu einem weltweit erfolgreichen Logistiker.
200 years of logistics: Danzas and DHL shape an industry
108 Seiten
Hardcover (gebunden)
26,90 EUR
ISBN: 978-3-941136-37-3
Amadou Diallo (Hrsg.)
200 years of logistics: Danzas and DHL shape an industry
Danzas und DHL shape an industry
The compelling history of logistics with over 170 images
Without him, modern logistics is hardly imaginable: In 1815, at the age of 27, Louis Danzas started his career in the transport business of Michel l’Evêque in the French town of Saint-Louis. And he proved to be successful – the company expanded and carried his name just a few years later. Situated in the country triangle of France, Switzerland and Germany, Danzas AG evolved into a worldwide successful logistics company over several generations. In 1999, Deutsche Post AG took over the company. Its reputation and its unique logistics expertise built the basis for the rise of the DHL brand as the international Number 1 in logistics.
The publisher of the book, Amadou Diallo, CEO DHL Freight, started his career at Union Transport, a company that was first acquired by Nedlloyd and then merged in Danzas and later, in 2003, in DHL. He takes the readers on an intriguing journey through 200 years of logistics and to the historic roots of the DHL portfolio. In 24 focus chapters, he depicts logistics milestones such as freight trains, steam ships, groupage traffic, air freight and road transport with trucks, and sheds a light on innovations such as the Europallet, the bar code, warehouse automation, just-in-time delivery, GPS or RFID. Concluding his time travel, he let renowned experts make an educated guess on what the future could look like: What is the world going to be like in 2050? And which role is logistics going to play?
Under the title “200 Jahre Logistik: Danzas und DHL prägen eine Branche”, the book is also available in German.